Wednesday, July 12, 2006
posted by Tulika Singh at 7/12/2006 04:14:00 PM

The show must go on....
Ofcourse it must....
Where's the damn choice??
Whose gonna earn ur bread??

This city has seen some really difficult times in the past few weeks. But i'm absolutely stunned at how our 'mumbai spirit' is taken as the perfect supension system. We soak in whatever incovenience comes our way. I love how everyone is so proud of the way we bounced back. We get stuck for a bit, dust off the remains from our shoulders, gather ourselves and those around who need help and carry on. My point is not that its not a good thing, its amazing no doubt, but i want to know, what else can mumbai do? We all have something or the other to do... to reach ... to start ... to finish ... TO ACHEIVE!!

What did 9/11 do to US? What did the blasts do to Bali? What did the blasts do to London? They all got up and went work next day, those affected, took a few days off, but resumed nonethless. It maybe me someday, affected, helpless, but i too will have to do my daily chores. Such is life. So, what can we do? Do we have any option but behave like 'sitting ducks' while plans are hatched and succesfully executed!?! Or is there somehow we can strike at the root of all this. Attack the breeding ground itself, pour kerosene and burn those parasites! Guess its too much to ask for!

Bush went to war with the whole world against his actions and got what ? Re-elected for another term at the office, a satisfied ego and a battered Saddam. Good enough, i would say. Well, if we know our enemies what really are we waiting for? Everything imaginable has already happened... Why does a Dawood need a trial? So that his gang can continue causing damage? Why have any of the rioters from shiv sena been let free? So that they can find more causes to make their presence felt and loot shops as an excuse to shut them? More than anything why should we put up with it? Then again, do we have a choice?!?

the show will always go on....

At 7:22 PM, Blogger sitanshu

True...VERY TRUE...but consider one thing...u expect bombayites to reply to everything that happens at where we are...the city that pays the highest taxes...makes the most money in india is neglected while ur beloved capital flourishes(in comparison to m'bai atleast)...we dont have the TIME girl..we leave it to our able leaders to decide what to do...let us live and work in piece...these small blockages will hapn...cheers :)


At 10:50 AM, Blogger N

Okay, you are still taking the various colours of the city in, and perhaps are overwhelmed. And probably each one of us has this one feeling sitting deep down in our bellies of 'doing something' and another standing right above it of achieving and getting somewhere, of being somebody.

The day after the tragic event occured, Moose and me ended up ranting about the nation going to ruins and our need for doing something. We talked of how we're made to believe that alone one cannot do anything, and that reflects from our 'do we have a choice' rhetoric.

Wonder why don't we have a choice! Or why we feel to not have a choice. All it would take, I believe is an introspection -- the three fingers pointing toward us question -- what did I do about it? There wouldn't be dearth of ways how we can make a difference, come to think about it.

And I'm skeptic about the effectiveness of pouring kerosene on parasites too. While waging wars on terrors, and battering our egos, are we really striking where it is needed? Or this too, is another tit-for-tat deed they perform to make their own balance sheets heavier?

And how many of us really stand up and ask the questions to those who're supposedly 'able' to lead us through the ups and downs? The 'you go first and we'll back you up' game comes into play and everyone of us tends to look pervertly for that 'someone' to make the first move!

One can go on and on. But to end it here, lets start. At least I would be able to sleep peacefully, satisfied of having given something, done something - and I do not need to expect anything in return - the good things will follow. We'll do our bits, in our ways, and the smallest of the grains will make a heap. We may have more important things to do, but we could sure take out a few minutes of our day to make this place better. For life.


At 2:04 PM, Blogger Tulika Singh

Situ thou name is sarcasm!! yes our beloved able leaders, who have parties that riot and destroy public property.. but whre is the peace or was 'piece' intended?


At 10:50 AM, Blogger Deeseelicious

yeah i know. i feel the same way. I was out for a walk , my comp was on in my room. when i came back saw like 10 messages saying " r ur folks ok ? ", " have u heard ? "
i was totally freaked out, couldnt get in touch with home. finally thru situ and a few other people got in touch with my family. also heard from all my friends.
But i was just thinking it could so easily have been us. Finish college at 5 after blabbering in the moffis and take the train from churchgate. so so so easily could have been us.
I am still shocked... but like u said... there is hardly anytime for shock and grief. Pick up the bags and take the train again ...


At 7:31 PM, Blogger Sneha

its true.. no one has really got a choice. u've got to move on. if u if don't get off ur posterior and get back to the coal mines ur going to be the loser. and no one wants to lose. mumbai has always bounced back and all that, but as u said, wat else does one expect it to do??


At 10:14 PM, Blogger aditi

look who's here!!